A New Answer To .. “Does A Tree Falling In The Forest …?”

It’s ALL An Inside Job!
July 23, 2013
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A New Answer To .. “Does A Tree Falling In The Forest …?”

There’s a philosophical question you may have heard which asks “Does a tree falling in a forest make a sound when there is nobody there to observe it?”. The conventional answer is no – because sound is a human interpretation of vibration, and if no human is present, then there can be no sound. We would go a little further than that. If there is nobody there to observe it, there is no sound because there is no tree and there is no forest.
You think of your brain as the core unit of your physical apparatus. Similarly you can consider your mind to be the core unit of your consciousness. The conventional story about how you “see” is that there is light being reflected from objects in an external physical world which is processed by your optical systems and interpreted by your brain. But it is in your mind that you “see” things. So here’s the big question. Is it that your brain is showing the movie to your mind, or is your mind creating it all, including the illusion that there are eyes and nerves and a brain?
Historically, in your scientific community, the answer would have been simple. The old assumption was that the physical world was real, and the much vaunted “scientific method”, the only objective way forward. Recently however, Quantum Physics has upset that ordered objective world with the notion that there is subjectivity in everything. Scientists are now beginning to realize that any comprehensive model of the physical world must accommodate the concept of consciousness. Mind and matter are both part of the equation.
So the emerging scientific response to the question of whether it is the eye and brain that cause you to see or the mind that is creating it all, is that nobody can be sure. All that can be said with reasonable certainty is that consciousness exists. This challenges a lot of conventional belief systems – including spiritual ones. In many ways, it seems that once again, science is out in front of established religion, and rethinking is necessary. Once you start to get the impact of this, you will see that this is a big deal. This is the end of the world as you knew it.
We, of course, will tell you that it is all an inside job. You are each creating your own world. It is Your World and it is unique to you. This one was discussing this concept with a friend who then asked “So how does a blind person create their world?”. What that friend was really asking was .. how it is that a blind person creates their world to be the same as the one that we seeing people are in? And of course they do not. None of you do. You are all in your own unique way, seeing or blind, creating your individual worlds.
Look around you now. Your World extends only as far as your senses can detect. You “know” about things beyond your senses, but that is your mind extrapolating and creating a bigger context. Those “others” that appear to be in Your World, in your movie, are the versions of people that are a match to this version of you. The “miracle” of this realistic movie you are creating, is that all those intersections flow and merge seamlessly into what you experience as one continuous solid physical space/time universe.
So can you see the way this is all playing out? Think of it this way. By your choices of what to believe and to expect, you create a vibrational picture of who you are. From that you attract into your experience, those things, and only those things that are a match to that picture. You may think your experience has taught you what to believe and expect. It has not. You are creating your now experience from the fabric of your past choices.
The good news is that you are always at choice. You are at choice in simple things – how your “actors” will behave today. You are at choice in big things – how you life will transform and evolve. You are at choice about the rules of the game, how you will play it or whether you will play it at all. Just remember you came here for the adventure – to mix it up with those “others” out there and experience contrast and new desires. You came here for the joy of it all.
So think right now .. what would you choose to be different? Then knowing who you are, take whatever thought path allows you to expect that new experience. It’s a choice you ALWAYS have. It’s not a DOing exercise. It’s a thinking exercise. It’s a BEing (in your mind) exercise. There is NOTHING you cannot change. And if you have questions, we are here to help.