Law Of Attraction Training – What Choices Do You REALLY Have? … vBook Chapter 46

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Law Of Attraction Training – What Choices Do You REALLY Have? … vBook Chapter 46

Let’s start our Law Of Attraction training with a verse by Rumi, a mystic of the Sufi Muslim tradition, that we would translate as follows:
Beyond all concept of right and wrong, there is a place.
There is no you or me, or even any “where” in that place.
There is only love.
Rumi was able to see beyond the Story that was Islam. Today we want to encourage you to see beyond your Story. We want you to know of that special place that Rumi describes, and begin to find it for yourself. We will come to that shortly.

From our friends Abraham:
You are liquid love in physical bodies,
more than life itself, because it is life itself,
to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows.
You are God.
You are Source.
You are Creator.

You all, we all, have a Story. That Story creates us even as we create it. Your Story defines you and the worlds around you. There is no “Right Story”, and no “Wrong Story”. Each Story is unique and valid. There are, of course, parts of Your Story that match parts of the Story of others. Those are the intersection points where you merge briefly and then separate. Those intersections are episodes in what appears to be a solid contiguous world, a world with sequential time, a world that you share with everybody else, but Your World is a moment by moment, virtual reality, created by you.

You might ask, if it’s only virtual, how come it feels so real? It feels “so real” because it’s an exact mirror of you, its creator. That context of yours is always going to feel as real as anything can feel, so real that many of you get swept up by it. You get engaged with it to the extent that you see it as part of the eternal truth about you and what you’re doing here. As many schools of spiritual thought do, you then dissect this reality for clues about your divine origins and your purpose for existence. By its very nature, you infer that there must be an entity or God-like creature that creates and maintains all of this, and has a design for your life and everything else.

In the pre-Abraham days of what this one calls his “past”, he spent considerable time studying with Deepak Chopra. This week he was watching Deepak promoting on PBS television his new book, The Future Of God, and he heard these words –
Everything in the entire universe has a single source. Your innermost being IS that source.
Learn to view the world out there as a response to the signals from in here [pointing to chest].

At first he was excited to hear Deepak apparently embracing what he now knows as The Absolutes and the Law Of Attraction, the foundation of everything, but his excitement faded as Deepak talked for an hour of a world “out there” as if it was One World, a fixture that could be examined to provide evidence of the true nature of things. Eventually, he was able to hear us suggest, as we always do, take what feels good, leave the rest. And of course, there is much in Deepak’s Story that is profound, and he inspires many into a growing awareness that they are a time-less consciousness having a temporary physical experience. That Story was a stepping stone for this one, as it is for many.

Deepak has his Story. If your Story is similar and it feels good to you, if it answers your questions, if it is for you a joyous space to explore as your life’s context, then we say embrace it. This Story is truth for you. Our particular intention is to come from a Story-less place, because the extent to which we can do this is the extent to which we expose the divine simplicity there is at the core of it all. It is, if you like, the theory of everything. If the idea that you have the power to be, do or have anything rings your bells, if you are wanting to move beyond unanswerable questions and divine mysteries, then we are here to eagerly support you on that journey, and encourage you to know that you are the creator of everything in Your World.

And so here we are – visiting once again the subject of how much choice do you REALLY have, and what is there in all of this that we can offer as practical guidance that will help you make choices that are more in line with what you want. Let’s start with some of Deepak’s words. “Everything in the entire universe has a single source.” We agree. Perhaps here’s where we diverge. We would describe that original single source not as your innermost being, but as simply you – the conscious thinking entity that is engaged with us here.

Some call that your ego, and disparage it as being worldly or greedy or self-centered, and as the source of all problems. We say it’s just you. It’s the part of you that makes belief choices about everything. Then you store them away in what we could loosely call your subconscious, or as Deepak describes it, your superconscious. These are all labels after all for what is you and the greater you and there are no boundaries and borders in all of this. Whatever we call it, it contains that vast tapestry of expectations that defines you and your context. It’s Your Story.

We submit that you do not need to get quiet and go inside you to know what you want. You are all seekers of Peace and Power, Fun and Freedom. You all chose to be here in this focused space/time reality for the joy of creating in this leading-edge context. You are the entity that chooses. There is no grand plan. There is nothing you‘re “supposed” to be doing. It’s up to you. No choice is more or less worthy, more or less “right”, than any other. There’s only what feels good and what does not. When you are feeling good (or bad), your infallible emotional guidance system is telling you that you are heading towards (or away from) what you want. Nothing therefore can possibly be more important than feeling good.
Of course, by the very nature of who you are, there are going to be parts of Your Story that are not serving you. There are belief choices you made .. like .. you have to struggle (i.e, “work hard”) because “money doesn’t grow on trees”, and “you have to face reality”. In a shared One World you have to deal with all those other people and survive.. and so the list goes on and on. If you want to change your life, how do you override some of those stored belief systems?

We suggest there are two parts to it. Firstly there’s the very conscious part. It includes:
Being aware of how you feel.
Making new choices.
“Letting go” of old stories.
Not settling for anything less than feeling good.
Then there’s the inner work, and here’s where we can take a leaf out of Deepak’s book (take what feels good, leave the rest).

In this Law Of Attraction training, think about those trains of thought you all have, one after another, and consider that there’s a gap between them. If you are always actively thinking, that gap may appear at first to be non-existent. But remember, you’re creating everything here. Choose to think of it instead as being very small. Then choose to allow yourself to first be aware of it, and then to step into it. As you do that it expands. At first it might seem impossible, but if you get quiet, and be persistent and patient with yourself, you can do it. Let’s try it here right now. Of course we’ll be talking to you and you’ll be thinking about that. So we’ll pause after each suggestion. Just let yourself get a sense of it. It’s a place you can start from when you are alone and peaceful.

First, take a deep breath, get quiet, and get comfortable.
Observe yourself thinking. What are you thinking?
Allow that thought to stop. See if you can experience the gap?
Allow yourself first to be aware of it, and then to step into it.
If you hop on the next train of thought, let go of it.
You might find at first, you’re busy thinking about not thinking. Let that go also.
Be easy with this. Be patient with yourself.
Good. Do you get a sense that this is Rumi’s special space?

Many of you ask how you can more effectively make new choices. Well this is a tool you can use. We say, choose to use it. Make yourself a promise right here and now that you will set aside the time to do this. In Deepak’s words, “the more often you dive into the silent mind, the deeper your intentions will be coming from when you’re not meditating.” We agree wholeheartedly. There’s power in getting reality out of the way. It’s a profound place. It helps loosen your grip on the artifacts of your world, and it thereby strengthens your connection to who you are. Take whatever processes work for you, find the ones that feel good to you, and build them into the fabric of your life. Let them become a part of who you are.

So what choice do you really have? Beyond (1) that you are a time-less space-less extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is, and beyond (2) the Law Of Attraction always provides what matches your beliefs,
You are the sole author of the screenplay of that movie called Your Life On Earth. Make new choices. Step into a literally new version of you, and a new version of your context, a new version of Your World, will appear magically around you. Do not let “reality” fool you. You’re creating it all – space and time and people and plants and animals and oceans and tides and .. well you get the idea. We wish you happy new choices. And as always, we are here to support you and answer your questions.

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