Welcome. If you’re looking for Law Of Attraction proof, your reasons may be positive or negative. In other words, you may be inclined towards believing in the Law Of Attraction and so you’re looking for ways to reinforce that belief, or you may be inclined to disbelieve it and looking for examples of so-called proof in order to debunk them. Well we’re going to make a fundamental assertion about the nature of “proof”, and that is, nobody can prove anything to anybody. All you can ever do is make decisions for yourself about what to believe or disbelieve, and once you’ve decided, you’ll come up with all the proof you ever need to support that choice.

We invite you to explore with us what’s possible and what’s certain within this context of Law Of Attraction proof. We’re not going to ask you to suspend logic, because this discussion is going to be as scientific as it’s possible to be. And we’re not going to ask you to accept anything on “faith”. However, whether you’re inclined to believe or inclined to disbelieve, we ARE going to challenge you to examine your assumptions, because where you’re starting from determines where you can go.

If you are in the inclined-to-disbelieve camp, we say, for the next few minute here, keep as open a mind as is possible. As Abraham says: “To try to convince somebody that what they think is wrong, that what [we] think is right, is really wasted effort, because their opinion keeps validating [itself].. The Law Of Attraction keeps proving to them, there is no Law Of Attraction.”

This one got into a lengthy exchange some time back with a self-described atheist who proudly declared that he made no assumptions. But the truth is that you all start with assumptions, and if you’ve been practicing them for a while, you may be so invested in them that they’ve faded into your background tapestry of beliefs and expectations. You’ve locked onto them, and they confine you within a limited range of possibilities. When asked once if he was an atheist, astronomer Carl Sagan, who co-wrote the 1981 PBS series “Cosmos”, said, “An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no God.”

We call that a truly scientific answer. It avoids the assumption most atheists make, that there’s One World out there, external and physical and continuous, and if anything non-physical or spiritual exists, you would be able to observe it, or the effects of it, and measure it and prove it with experiments that can be replicated. That’s a huge assumption, and once made, it effectively closes off the possibility of logical discussion about concepts like consciousness, and it dismisses as irrelevant the big questions that all of you come to at some point, about what you are, and who you are, and what you’re doing here in this game of Life On Earth.

There are also Law Of Attraction advocates who seek to “prove” it by various means. For example, they propose aspects of Quantum Physics as Law Of Attraction proof, but to do that, like the atheists, they have to start from the place that there’s a One World out there. But logically you can’t do that, because if you accept that the Law Of Attraction is a universal and foundational principle of existence, it leads you inevitably to understanding that this so-called reality that surrounds you is a virtual, self-created illusion. There’s not One World “out there”. It’s Your World, the one you’re attracting by your choices. It’s the stage on which you are playing out your story and having experiences.

So here’s the bottom-line significance of this whole discussion. Your belief choices are self-reinforcing. Whatever decisions you come to, become “the truth”, and your world lines up with it. You can’t conduct studies to prod and poke at “reality” as if it’s a fixed and external to you, because it’s a moving target created by your thoughts. It’s an inside job. Can you see why we said at the start that
nobody can prove anything to anybody. The whole notion of “proof” is not logical because the only person you can “prove” anything to, is yourself. And we’ll get to more on that shortly.

So how do you decide what to believe? Only you can answer that for you, but we suggest the important personal criteria are –
(1) does it give you a basis for answering life’s important questions, and
(2) does it make sense to you, and
(3) does it feel good.
Try this on for size.

This is our description of everything about you that’s absolute and not a choice:
You’re a time-less consciousness. You’re an always-connected extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is. You are born out of (individuated by) your intentions and choices. When you make a new choice, it steps you into a new individuation (a new version of you). Every version you inhabit comes with its own matching context (you and the world around you).
And here’s our description of what you are at choice about:
Everything else.

How does it feel to know that you are an always-connected, “in-love”, part of eternal Source? How does it feel to know that you can choose what to be, where to be, how to be, what to do or and what to have? How does it feel to know that the world around you conforms exactly to your tapestry of beliefs and assumptions and expectations? How does it feel to know you can change your tapestry and your world will always mirror those changes? How does it feel to mix it up with those other time-less consciousnesses you’ve attracted into your world? How does it feel to have leading-edge experiences, get new rockets of desire, and create new things? Pretty damn good we’d say.

Now we know we’re talking at an infinite level here, and in the meantime, here you are in the world with those other people, and your dealing with it and with them, and all you wanted to get perhaps when you came here was a little reassurance that you were on the right track and a few pointers at the truth of it all. Well the “truth” is we can’t answer your questions completely or even adequately without building a foundation. So we encourage you to think about the ideas we’ve been discussing, and then here’s how you get the reassurance. Here’s how you “prove” things to yourself. As we said above .. try it on for size.

From our friend Bentinho Massaro: “If proof of Presence is what you seek, seek no further than to look closely at your every single experience, for every moment’s very ability to appear to you confirms the crystal clear existence of an all-pervasive Presence – you. Without Presence, no experience could arise. Experience, therefore, implies, proves Presence. Now experience happens all the time, so proof of Presence is always present. When you get this, the direct teacher of Presence is always with you. Do not look far away when proof of what you seek confirmation of is right here, every billionth of a second, appearing right in front of you, showing you over and over again what is already obvious to itself.”

In general what all this means is, first – understand it. Then be aware of the implications (and they’re enormous). Then be aware on a more ongoing basis of the pattern of your thoughts, because those thoughts create everything. Then, find something you want to change. Choose some new beliefs about that thing. Let those flow into expectations until they become part of your background tapestry. Then watch what happens. If the changes don’t show up, that simply means your background is not yet aligned with your foreground thinking. Practice more flow. When the changes do show up, pat yourself on the back, appreciate yourself, feel good. And then .. on to the next creation.

In particular what that means is probably something like this. Find some processes that help you develop new habits of thinking – we’ve proposed many of them in this community. Glom onto them. Adapt them. Make them your own. Make a commitment to using them. Start to develop new thinking habits. Start to live life from this new place of knowing. And stay in touch – both by taking advantage of the facilities of this community, and by going inside into that place of inner peace because that’s where we are. You have attracted us into (created us within) your world even as we have created you within ours. We are enjoying the dance. And now we move to your questions.