The Secret Law Of Attraction – What’s REAL And What Isn’t? vBook Chapter 44

Perhaps the most important question of all is .. What’s real and what isn’t? .. because it cuts to the heart of it all. You cannot answer this question about The Secret Law Of Attraction without coming hard up against those other questions of who you are and what you’re doing here. So let’s explore this thing called “reality” together here today, and also some ways in which you can change it. We may end up reinforcing what you’ve already chosen to believe, or we may challenge you to see things in a completely new light. We’ll see. As always, make your belief choices based solely upon what feels good to you. And, as always, we welcome your questions and comments. Let’s begin here.

How do you know what is “real”? When you wake up from a dream, although some dreams may have a profound effect upon you, you know that the physical world you have just re-entered is somehow more “real” than that dream world was. Recently we talked about the experience of what you call death, and said that most of you will experience death like waking up and knowing that the world you just came from is somehow less real than the world you have stepped into. What is it that happens during that transition that has you inherently knowing that one is more “real” than the other? What is it to “know” something, and what is this thing called “reality” anyway?

Here’s some words from our friends. From Abraham: “What knowing is, is being in vibrational alignment with something, because when you’re in vibrational alignment with it, it’s manifesting around you .. When you expect something, when you really know it, when you expect it to be, wanted or unwanted, then it “be”s… Law Of Attraction is just showing you, again and again, what you are expecting, what you are believing, what you are knowing, but all of those words just mean what you are vibrationally equivalent to, what you’ve been practicing .. You are the creator of your own reality.”

From Bashar: “You must simply remember, in everything that we discuss, that your outer physical reality is not outer, it is inner, it’s just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively. So if you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it that you would prefer to change, all you really need to do is to change something about yourself, and you will see that change take place unerringly and effortlessly. And all your explorations and all your ideas, no matter how they may magnify scientifically or otherwise, are all going to be the result of the way you change the idea of how you see yourself and what you know is possible in your dimension of experience.”

You are a consciousness. Thinking is what consciousnesses do. You imagined yourself into a physical you in a physical world, and then you forgot who you are and settled into the idea that your current world is somehow “real”, and anything else is just a mental construct. Well you are not a physical being. Your experiences live in the realm of thought, and so your experiences are real, but that physical world of yours is a virtual reality. And what’s more, it’s your own personal virtual reality, unique to you. No version of it is more or less real than any other version of it. It is just the particular stage you have chosen and upon which you play out your Story.

Your belief choices define everything about you – your physicalness and the shape of your consciousness. So belief choices are creative actions. A new choice means a new you, and as you step into that new existence, by The Secret Law Of Attraction, a new version of “reality” wraps itself around you. Can you see that “reality” and beliefs are one and the same thing. This is not some sort of vague metaphor. This is the literal truth of it. And those choices and changes are not constrained by anything except you and your imagination. You can change anything. You can step into a new future .. without limit. You can even step from a new past. There is NOTHING you cannot be, do or have.

The reason that physical world around you feels “real”, is that it’s a mirror of you. By definition, of all the possible versions of reality that could exist, this one you inhabit is the one with which you are perfectly aligned. You interpret that alignment as feeling “real”. When you choose to transition to something new, the context you step into will always match that new you. If the change is profound, as in the expanding of your consciousness in the death experience, the degree to which your new “reality” will feel more real than before, is the degree to which that expansion has occurred.

Are you beginning to comprehend the limitless nature of your creative power? Let’s then look at where you go from here. Let’s talk about how you change your reality, which means how you change your subconscious tapestry of expectations. What do we mean by subconscious? It’s not the here and now thinking part making potentially new choices. It’s the huge part of your consciousness that makes most of your decisions and controls most of your actions and reactions, and it bases all of that on your past choices. So now the question comes down to .. how do you rewrite that tapestry? How do you retrain your subconscious into supporting a new more desirable version of You and Your World?

Let’s look at the basic mechanism – the relationship between the thinking conscious you and the subconscious you – by exploring the driving analogy we used recently, but this time in a little more detail. Think back to when you “learned” to drive. Actually you already knew in theory how to drive. So what that “learning” really was, was simply teaching your (very powerful) subconscious how to do it in real-time, because your (very limited) conscious processor is simply not able to keep up with all of the sensory input and decisions and actions needed. So that teaching took place slowly and carefully on a deserted road or parking lot. Now when you drive, you do it with almost no conscious thought at all.

So it is with your life. As you “learned” (made belief choices about) things, you stored them away in that immensely detailed subconscious tapestry of expectations, mostly never to be thought of again. That tapestry is the blueprint of Your World. That and that alone, defines the “reality” into which you wake up each day. Nothing in Your World changes until you make a new belief choice and replace that portion of the tapestry. Let’s look now at how you do that in our driving example.

Now suppose you live where you drive on the right (like the USA) and you fly to where they drive on the left (say the UK) and you rent a car. If you now leave the driving to your subconscious, it’s going to get much of it wrong, with serious consequences. So you don’t. You take conscious control of some of those aspects of driving that are now very different. It requires intense focus for a short while as you update the “learning” process, and then in a short time, you’re relaxing once again into that easy way of operating. When what your subconscious knows what you now consciously want, that is what some of you call being in alignment.

Again, so it is with life. Firstly, be aware of how you’re feeling – which points you to the pieces of that subconscious tapestry that are no longer serving you. Then you have to decide what you want. You can continue to live with the lie you chose back when, or you can have the life you now choose. The choice is yours. You can’t have both. To make a change, you have to take back conscious control of some of those decisions. It takes focus for a short while as you update the “learning” process. That’s the “work”. But once you’ve enrolled your powerful subconscious once again as an ally, once you’ve taught it the new rules, you’ve literally stepped into a new version of you and into that new matching version of “reality”.

From Bentinho Massaro: “You are not a victim of the universe, the universe is a direct victim of you (in a good way). In other words, circumstances don’t create your reality, your state of being does. The more transparent your state of being, the higher your ‘frequency’, the more reality will mirror that and show up as malleable, empty, vibrant, playful, changeable, fun and as a loyal servant to whatever it is your heart truly resonates with.”

In other words, if it is your desire, you can rediscover the truth of who you are. And as you pay attention to creating the new things you want, and as you watch them appear around you, you will feel like you’re floating downstream into a wondrous world. And you are.

And now in this space we have here, in this intersection of our world and all of your worlds, we will expand on all of this about The Secret Law Of Attraction, and then engage with your questions.