At your option, we’ll send you the weekly newsletter. It contains the weekly Terah message, news and notes and program announcements.
These are live, interactive telephone Conference Calls. We have weekly calls for Members, and also from time to time, Open Calls that Guests may join and ask questions. What’s been fascinating to us all has been the way in which these calls have evolved beyond the phone equivalent of a “hot seat” seminar to a really informal and dynamic discussion. Nobody is “on a pedestal” in any way, and everybody gets to ask follow-up questions, offer comments, and express disbelief – in short it’s a relaxed environment that lets us really explore any and all topics with a great deal of freedom. These are really fun sessions.
At first when Terah suggested we might be moving beyond the type of work that had been done to this time, we thought… oh well, we’re moving to telephone calls and audio downloads so that sounds reasonable. And then, we started to develop our workshops and that’s when we started to “get it”. The new Workshops we’re now doing in many cases are jointly hosted by Terah AND our Experts where you get a chance to be a part of a group in an intensive 12 month program. Relationships develop and these are proving to be absolute dynamite with people making huge shifts and breaking out of their molds.
This is a chance for you to talk directly with Terah through one of our channels, and is quite simply the best way possible to establish a personal relationship and get those questions of yours answered. In one sense this is a huge opportunity for a life-changing experience. In another sense, as you become aware of who you are, this will evolve to being a very normal and natural thing to do. Come to this experience as you would to a chat with a very wise friend. Calls are recorded and sent to you after the call. To order, use the Buy Now button at the bottom of your welcome screen after login. For Visitors, to order a 1on1, first register as a Guest, and then click the Buy Now button at the bottom of your Guest log-in page.
We have a large and growing set of audio, video and article resources for our members. In these sections we put all those things we think will help us in our mission to make this site a truly valuable resource center. This is where we also place our call recordings and they are available for streaming to your computer or downloadable for your audio players.