These are the Law Of Attraction quotes that help you to understand the simplicity of the fundamental truth of who you are, and the way in which by making new belief-choices, you step into new versions of you and your world.
You attract into your experience, moment by moment, unique to you, a version of you and your physical and non-physical worlds that matches the sum of your chosen beliefs and expectations. It’s more than just you’re creating Your Story. You’re certainly doing that, but you ARE Your Story. You’re also creating you. Once again we encourage you to see that this is not a complex idea. A huge idea, maybe. An unfamiliar idea, maybe. But at the core of it all, it’s elegantly simple.
This reality that humans claim and cling to, is such an arbitrary thing. You are billions of people with billions of different perspectives of life experience, literally creating billions of different worlds and yet pretending that it’s all one big world that you are all sharing equally. And it’s not even close to that you see. You are on these vibrational islands with Law of Attraction spinning – on your individual vortexes, giving you exactly what you are a vibrational match to.”
Are you beginning to get a feel for this? The version of you and the version of the world you experience, is a moment by moment now creation that matches the Essential You. Time and space, and earth and moon and sun and stars and galaxies are your creation. People and plants and animals and trees and seas and rivers are your creation. The versions of everything that shows up in what looks like that world out there, are a match to the Essential You. If you make no change, the status quo prevails and the world carries on. You are creating by default. But, as you change that tapestry, everything changes.
The Law Of Attraction quotes about manifestation.
All desires are answered; all requests are granted, and no one is left unanswered, unloved, or unfulfilled. When you stay aligned with your energy stream, you always win, and somebody else does not have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.. If someone is not receiving what they are asking for, it is not because there is a shortage of resources. It can only be that the person holding the desire is out of alignment with their own request. There is no shortage. There is no lack. There is no competition for resources. There is only the allowing or the disallowing of that which you are asking for.
Even if you’ve chosen to believe you live in a world with billions of people going about things in ways other than you would choose, simply recognize that it’s your creation. So don’t fret about people “out there” because the version of them you intersect with will always be a match to your expectations, even as the version of you that shows up in their world will always be a match to theirs. There’s nothing about any of it that you cannot change by making a new choice and lining up with it.
“Could I think too little about my desire, for it to manifest?" Actually, no, because as the contrast launches the desire, and then you do not offer any opposing thought, then you're letting it in, and it will manifest. Many of our physical friends really believe that they must find a desire and then hold tenaciously to it. And we say, you do not need to do that. Let the variety of your life keep balance in your life. You just concentrate more on holding yourself in the good-feeling place where you're letting it in.
The good news is, you created that virtual reality you call the world by making choices. We encourage you to stop seeing that world as something “out there” external to you that you have to deal with. It’s an inside job. New choices begin the change process, and then lining-up subconsciously with those new choices completes it. Lining-up means replacing some of your deep-seated tapestry of expectations. And then .. voila .. new world .. and in this new world, doors will appear and open for you that simply didn’t exist before.
The Law Of Attraction quotes to leave you with.
Leverage your time more by spending a little more time every day imagining and a lot less time every day doing. Do a little more imagining and a little more less doing, until eventually most of what's happening is happening in the cool, calm, anticipatory state. Just imagine yourself into the successes, and watch what happens. Imagine a little more and act a little less.
Go easy on yourself. You chose to be here to experience what it’s like to create new things in this focused space/time realm. You are here on the leading edge of creation to have new experiences. Your experiences are real. The world is virtual. Have fun with all if this. When you’re having fun, you’re doing what you came here to do. When you’re feeling good, you’re aligned with who you are. Nothing therefore can be half as important as simply feeling good.