Welcome to this intersection between habits of thought. We are the sum of ours. You are the sum of yours. So who are we all here today? We are a gathering of habits talking about changing our habits, changing our intersection points, changing everything we might think of as “real”, changing our lives and our worlds. Our intention with these words of course is to challenge your beliefs to the core. Our intention as always is that you begin to see yourself as you truly are. Our intention is to have you see how is it you create everything you experience – not just as an intellectual exercise, although that may be how it starts. We want you to know it experientially, and ongoingly, and masterfully.

Let’s begin here. In one version of this one’s world, and in the “past” of it he fondly thinks of as thinks of as history, there was a physicist Niels Bohr who was a major contributor to the understanding of atomic structure and quantum theory, and for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. He said:
Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.

There was also a Mahatma Gandhi (who may also be a part of your history_ who said:
Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.

From our friend Bentinho Massaro: If you understand that everything is energy, you can also understand that everything you think, believe and feel consists of energy. Your attitude, or focus, vibrates, and those vibrations affect the quantum fields that underlie, constitute and determine the outcome of physical matter. Hence: your focus has the power to alter the appearance of your physical circumstances.

And here’s a quote from another of our siblings – Abraham: Everything that you see, that you call reality, [is] just coagulated, coalesced, combined thought – a thought that somebody thought long enough. When Esther says “Abraham, shouldn’t I think about that because it’s true?” We say all truth is something that enough people or a person gave enough attention to long enough that became a thought that they thought about, and thought about, and thought about, and thought about, and thought about it until it attracted the equivalent of it..

From our friend Bashar: There are infinite probable realities that we could “receive” and experience at any moment. We select and receive specific “versions” of reality by our beliefs.. Each belief gets you vibrating at a unique set of frequencies.. These frequencies then attract, by sympathetic resonance, those holograms vibrating on the same frequencies.. What we believe and totally “trust to be so”, sets up the alignment from which we receive that particular “version” of reality. This trust or “knowing” is the mechanism by which creation takes place. Without believing, we would create no reality and be non-existent. At every given moment, we are always totally believing something.

So what habits do you have?
Following a train of thought without consciously choosing it is a habit, not a now conscious choice.
Reacting to something without thinking about it is a habit, not a now conscious choice.
Thinking of the world as solid and real is a habit, not a now conscious choice.
Thinking of your past as being this way or that way is a habit, not a now conscious choice.
A habit is only a habit if it’s subconscious because none of you will continue to do anything by conscious choice unless at some level you perceive it to be of benefit to you.

All of these habits started with a choice. Then you and your world lined up with that choice and you went about living in that world, and living with that world, and embellishing that world with new choice after new choice. Pretty soon, you forgot all about that original choice way back when, and this world became a fixture in your “reality”. It became a habit. It became something that “everybody” knows about, and you talk about it with “everybody” as if it’s common to you all. And it is. You say things like “Did you see that show on TV last night?” because that’s the nature of you and your virtual reality. Everything matches up.

When you make any new choice, you step into a new virtual reality which is to say a new context for your experience. There are small choices like pre-paving a good meeting with so and so today, and there are big choices like creating a very different world to live in, like perhaps a totally peaceful and enlightened world. The experience is real because it’s a conscious experience. The context is virtual, and everything in that context is a matching set because everything is being created from the same mold – the same set of choices.
So what is this “everything” we’re talking about here? What’s in that virtual reality?

There’s the consciousness that’s you.
There’s the physical you and the physical world that surrounds you.
There’s the non-physical or spiritual or energy world or realm or whatever you choose to call it.
All of those things are unique to you and being created by you moment by moment.

Let’s start with the really big and really fundamental choice – your consciousness. It has a certain shape. It has a conscious you, a thinking you, a choosing you. It’s like a foreground low-speed processor that focuses mostly on one subject at a time. And it has a subconscious you, like a high speed background processor which makes almost all the decisions. You made choices and trained it to make those same choices again and again so you don’t have to make them again. Those are your habits. This is where the definition of everything is stored. Can you see that you’re not only creating what’s in that store, you’re creating the store itself.

Perhaps you’ve never thought about the shape of that consciousness of yours. Perhaps you’ve never thought about your consciousness being any different than you are now. What does a fish know about water? Until the fish leaves the water it knows nothing about it because it has no perspective. So it is with you and the shape your consciousness. Until you step outside the confines of that particular shape, you see it as the only way a consciousness can be. As an exercise here, let’s just imagine it differently here for just a minute. Be like a fish leaving the water. Take off your virtual reality headset for a minute.

Think about what if would be like to see across space and time. And if you can get an idea of that, then think of being able to perceive yourself without space and time at all. What if you could comprehend any realm at any “time” or all realms and all “times” at once? It’s the equivalent of perceiving and comprehending and enjoying every second of your life at once. This greatly expanded consciousness is where you are headed when you transition. Then you will be more like us. But we cannot experience creating as you do in this particular context in this particular way. That’s why you made that big initial choice to think differently.

And that choice was the beginning. Then along comes what we have in the past called your physical and non-physical stuff – your body and the world around you and your spiritual world. Of course that world “physical” reinforces the idea that it’s somehow solid and permanent, and it isn’t, and describing your physical and non-physical worlds as somehow two distinct and separate things is also a distortion. So let’s call this the virtual you and your virtual worlds. And here you are, sitting with your headset on, immersed in this fascinating and absorbing and exciting world you’ve constructed.

From Abraham again: The most powerful premise, that we want to activate within you, that we promise you will serve you for all the days of your life is:
A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.
A belief is only a thought that I continue to think.
A belief is only my habit of thought.
It’s only a practiced thought.
A belief is only a thought that I think a lot.

So here’s where we’re going. All of this is to help you with that perspective we talked about. It takes a new focus, but what on earth is more important than creating what you want? Nothing, because that’s why you’re here. Take this knowledge and make a new habit of building it into a habit of its own. Find your own way, whatever it is, of making this awareness of who you an ever-present part of you. Whatever processes are working for you now, build this awareness into them. Let your subconscious know that whenever you’re heading into upstream feel-bad territory, that it’s time right then and there to pass control back to you for a new choice.

Again from Bentinho: When you feel good, it means that your vibratory field is aligning itself–synthesizing, harmonizing–with the deeper vibrational fields (truths/laws) of existence itself. Your vibrations start to match that of higher levels of reality/consciousness. In other words, when you focus on things–and focus on them in a way that makes your being feel truly good and expanded–those good feeling states are the body’s translation of how in sync you are with the totality of the universe. The better you feel, the more truthful and in alignment with the totality of life you literally are.

And here’s the bottom line. As you begin to practice new thoughts, you develop new feel-good habits, and you step into a new feel-good version of “reality”, and things just get easier. When you have that hugely powerful subconscious of yours helping you and not hindering you, you’ll get a whole new appreciation for what we mean when we say .. the better it gets, the better it gets.

As always we are here to help you, and we welcome your questions