January 23, 2016

Chapter 2. Your Story Is, After All, Just A Story

.. in which we talk about discovering the power and the freedom which can come from transcending that “Story”, and how you can change your Story by changing what you choose to believe, because it’s your expectations that create your world, and not the other way around. We all have a Story. Yours is a magnificent Story. Full of color and enormously complex in its detail – far more complex and mysterious you might think, than could ever have been […]
January 15, 2016

Chapter 1. Everything you experience is your creation.

Everything You Experience Is Your Creation Today we’re going to expand on that statement and talk a little about .. What “Everything” means, The importance of “You”, and Why it’s “Yours”. We’ll also help you connect the dots by answering the question we get asked a lot .. “But how on earth did I create THAT in my life?” Let’s begin with the Law Of Attraction. The Law Of Attraction is … You attract into your experience, moment by moment, […]
January 9, 2016

Who You Are, What The Law Of Attraction Is .. The Whole Damn Story. Introduction

Welcome.  As we head into 2016, there’s a lot going on in this community, and it feels a lot like renewal.  So we thought now would be a good time to start over to some extent and put  this content into a more logical sequence.  And then maybe even actually put a book together.  So here we are at .. The Introduction. All of you, without exception, are seeking to create more joy in your lives.  The short answer to […]
December 19, 2015

About Esther Hicks, Abraham, Law Of Attraction .. And Us, And You – vBook Chapter 89

Welcome. There was an Esther Hicks Abraham Law Of Attraction quote this week that caused a bit of a stir for some of those in this community, so we’re going to see if we can unravel that a little. In the process of that, we’ll talk about whether some things are easier to create than others, and just in case you’re tempted to throw your hands in the air and ask why us gurus can’t all get together and get […]
December 12, 2015

Law Of Attraction Exercises – vBook Chapter 88

There is an aphorism in this one’s world (perhaps in yours also). Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime. In these discussions that we have, our inclination is always the lifetime approach because there is no one-size-fits-all. In a room of a thousand people, if we say visualize this thing or that thing, there are immediately a thousand different versions of how you think, […]
December 4, 2015

Law Of Attraction Success Stories – vBook Chapter 87

Welcome to this continuation of our discussion about success.  If you’re looking for some Law Of Attraction success stories, we have millions we could share with you.  But the one we most want to share, is yours.  “Mine??” you might say.  ““I’m looking to be inspired by the success of others.”  Well, inspiring stories are wonderful, but we want to take you a little deeper here.  And here’s why.  Once you understand what “success” really means, then you have an […]
November 21, 2015

The Law Of Success – Setting Yourself Up For The New Year – vBook Chapter 86

Welcome to this intersection.  In this virtual space we’re briefly sharing together today, we’re going to talk about what some call the Law Of Success, which is simply a shorthand way of talking about how the Law Of Attraction works and how you can line yourself up to take advantage of that.  We said briefly sharing, because that’s how many of you would normally think of it, and yet we would also say eternally sharing, because we are with you […]
November 7, 2015

Universal Laws Of Attraction – The Truth Without The “Stories” – vBook Chapter 85

We have headlined our discussion this week as the truth without the “stories” because there are many complex stories out there about so-called Universal Laws Of Attraction, and what you really need is less complexity and more of a set of simple principles you can apply towards creating what you want in your life. So let’s get clear on those principles, and as we do, we want to once again draw a distinction between simplicity and enormity. If you’ve been […]
October 30, 2015

The How, Why And When Of Law Of Attraction Affirmations – vBook Chapter 84

Welcome. Last week we began with this. To make a change in your life, you make a new belief choice, and then you line up with it. That’s it. The fundamental process really is that simple, but even simple processes are not easy to follow if you’ve developed some strong patterns of belief that sabotage your best efforts to make those changes. So today we’re going to really get into one of the really effective tools you can use to […]
October 16, 2015

Law Of Attraction Vibration – Your Expectation Tapestry – vBook Chapter 83

To make a change in your life, you make a new belief choice, and then you line up with it.  That’s it.  When we describe it that way, we’re describing a process that really is that simple.  But even simple processes are not easy to follow if you’ve developed some strong patterns of belief that sabotage your best efforts to make those changes.  So today we’re going to really go into detail about Law Of Attraction vibration.  We’re going to […]