Law of Attraction Techniques

December 12, 2015

Law Of Attraction Exercises – vBook Chapter 88

There is an aphorism in this one’s world (perhaps in yours also). Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime. In these discussions that we have, our inclination is always the lifetime approach because there is no one-size-fits-all. In a room of a thousand people, if we say visualize this thing or that thing, there are immediately a thousand different versions of how you think, […]
November 7, 2015

Universal Laws Of Attraction – The Truth Without The “Stories” – vBook Chapter 85

We have headlined our discussion this week as the truth without the “stories” because there are many complex stories out there about so-called Universal Laws Of Attraction, and what you really need is less complexity and more of a set of simple principles you can apply towards creating what you want in your life. So let’s get clear on those principles, and as we do, we want to once again draw a distinction between simplicity and enormity. If you’ve been […]
October 30, 2015

The How, Why And When Of Law Of Attraction Affirmations – vBook Chapter 84

Welcome. Last week we began with this. To make a change in your life, you make a new belief choice, and then you line up with it. That’s it. The fundamental process really is that simple, but even simple processes are not easy to follow if you’ve developed some strong patterns of belief that sabotage your best efforts to make those changes. So today we’re going to really get into one of the really effective tools you can use to […]
October 16, 2015

Law Of Attraction Vibration – Your Expectation Tapestry – vBook Chapter 83

To make a change in your life, you make a new belief choice, and then you line up with it.  That’s it.  When we describe it that way, we’re describing a process that really is that simple.  But even simple processes are not easy to follow if you’ve developed some strong patterns of belief that sabotage your best efforts to make those changes.  So today we’re going to really go into detail about Law Of Attraction vibration.  We’re going to […]
September 19, 2015

The Science Of Getting Rich – Law Of Attraction Money – vBook Chapter 79

How can the science of getting rich, if such a thing exists, have anything to do with Law Of Attraction money? Surely philosophies like Law Of Attraction have no basis in “science”. Well, it’s not our intent today to get into a whole science-versus-religion discussion. We’re going to cover that in our “quantum physics law of attraction” discussion coming up shortly. But if “science” means a no-dogma, no-nonsense, open-minded, rational approach to the subject, then we would say our discussion […]
September 12, 2015

Law Of Attraction Exercises –They Fall Into Two Categories – vBook Chapter 78

We welcome you all to this discussion about Law Of Attraction exercises – exercises that can help you begin to consciously create more of what you want in your life. We’ll be talking about different types of processes, when to use which type, and why and how they can help you. We’ll also start by setting the scene here and talking fundamentally about what’s going on, because we want to be clear that exercises involve DOing things, and it’s your […]
September 4, 2015

How To Use Law Of Attraction – vBook Chapter 77

Welcome.  If you’re wondering how to use Law Of Attraction, you can’t, and the first step to learning how to reshape your life, to engage in the process of creating new things in your world, is to understand that.  Our intent in this discussion is to be as clear as we can possibly be about who you are, and what creates you and the matching context in which you find yourselves, so that you understand at a very fundamental level, […]
August 13, 2015

Manifesting Your Desires – Your “Story” Is Everything .. And Nothing! – Chapter 73

Welcome to this discussion on manifesting your desires – the art of consciously creating what you want, or because were getting right into the nuts and bolts of it here, perhaps we should more accurately describe it as the science of deliberate creation. As we all gather together, and you seek to have the Law Of Attraction explained (or at least some aspect of it), so we respond with different ways of looking at it. Last week we encouraged you […]
August 13, 2015

Understanding The Law Of Attraction, But Also Keeping It Simple – Chapter 72

Welcome to our discussion. You’ll note we titled this as understanding the Law Of Attraction but keeping it simple. We want you to really understand how things work, because that understanding gives you confidence. We also know how important it is in creating the things you want in this world, to not get lost in the enormity of these ideas. That presents a challenge, but we’re going to rise to meet that challenge. Here we go. This week we’re going […]
August 13, 2015

Law Of Attraction Death – vBook Chapter 71

Welcome to our intersection – this place where our “worlds” touch and we all appear to be operating together in the same realm. And for a brief moment in time, we are. Time-continuity, and space-continuity, are part of the personal virtual reality each of you is creating, and these touch-points of course always appear to be a part of a greater continuity. But they are episodes. They are the points at which our stories, yours and ours, are a match. […]